It’s time to
return to real things
The Ole Farmstead
The Ole Farmstead is now a 15 year old trial-and-error effort to explore Real Things. Real things like home grown food, plants, animal husbandry, learning and supporting healthy natural ecosystems and finding real entertainment and frequent fascination in these systems. While improving soil, rotationally grazing, and experimenting with ideas like electroculture, we are rediscovering the natural rhythms of the days and the seasons and the soil, seed, rain and sunshine.
What we do
From wool apparel to farm fresh eggs and fields bursting with flowers, the farm is brimming with life! We offer what we call our "You Pick" Flower events, The Roadside Flower Shoppe and a handful of Workshops throughout the year.
Meet the Animals
Our animal friends here on the farm are a constant presence, though their numbers fluctuate with the seasons. First to greet you upon arrival is usually a dog (or three), and in the fields you will find our small herd of Icelandic sheep. Always free-ranging and foraging on the property are a plethora of egg-laying chickens, and in the pasture are our most recent additions, two jersey calves and three highland cows.