The Ole Farmstead
The Ole Farmstead is now a 15 year old trial-and-error effort to explore Real Things. Real things like home grown food, plants, animal husbandry, learning and supporting healthy natural ecosystems and finding real entertainment and frequent fascination in these systems. While improving soil and rotationally grazing and experimenting with ideas like electroculture, we are rediscovering the natural rhythms of the days and the seasons and the soil, seed, rain and sunshine.
The Name, The Ole Farmstead - “Farmstead” points to the romantic idea of being able to support all the families needs from the production of the farm. We use the word romantic because we are far from realizing this goal. But, we have found such value and reward in the effort to expand our on-farm accomplishments. “Ole” serves two purposes. First, it points us back to the priority of value over ease and convenience. It draws our minds toward lost awarenesses that have been replaced by lesser things. Second, it is a hat-tip to Grandpa Lyle Olsen whose nickname was Ole. For a time, his family was supported solely by the family farm; an accomplishment of which we now stand in awe.
The Logo - The sheep represents our small herd of Icelandic Sheep that do surprisingly well in Oklahoma despite expert advice against the idea. They provide unique fiber giving us 2 shearings per year which we use for the making of rugs, hats, and general felting projects. The chicken represents our strategy for insect management, soil rehabilitation, meat, eggs and frequently to support our local predators when our Great Pyrenees chooses air conditioning over work. Ideally, our chickens follow our sheep in an electric fence, rotationally grazed strategy- not only for chicken and sheep health but also to rehabilitate our little corner of Oklahoma red clay.
The Roadside Flower Shoppe and Market - Almost on a whim the idea of a roadside flower shoppe captured the imagination in the spring of 2023. We imagined a place people could turn in and pick up a beautiful bouquet 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. A small cedar frame structure, well lit and climate controlled now sits roadside beside our property on Coffee Creek Rd. Ready with a simple honor box for payment, come by any time! We will also have the full Shoppe open starting in May with farm-grown produce, free range eggs, and other seasonal goods available for purchase. Check our Instagram for our hours!
Workshops & Events- We will be hosting You Pick flower events and many different workshops throughout the year. Follow on Instagram or sign up for our monthly newsletter to get updates on flower events and workshops.
Private Events - There are a handful of private event ideas that work well here at The Ole Farmstead, but there are also many that don’t. If you have a private event idea you would like to discuss, please email Cassandra at
Contact us
Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!