Upcoming Events + Workshops
Workshops & Events- We will be hosting You Pick flower events starting in July, and many different workshops throughout the year. Follow on Instagram or sign up for our monthly newsletter to get updates on flower events and workshops.
Private Events - There are a handful of private event ideas that work well here at The Ole Farmstead, but there are also many that don’t. If you have a private event idea you would like to discuss, please email Cassandra at olefarmstead@gmail.com.
March 23
February 19
Medicinal Herb Garden Workshop
If you are looking to replace your over-the-counter pharmaceuticals with natural and holistic solutions, then this workshop is for you! Join Lori Coats of @MyRaggedyHerbs to learn how you can grow medicinal herbs in Oklahoma and replace your medicine cabinet with a wonderful apothecary filled with teas, salves, tinctures and more - straight from your own garden! You will leave equipped with growing information, best varieties, harvesting tips and herbal medicine-making suggestions. Bring your friends and together you will learn how to grow healthy, wholesome and natural remedies just in time for spring planting.
$45 per person, pay at the door. Adults only.
CLOSED Seed Starting Workshop
Come and spend a couple of hours here on The Ole Farmstead to learn and share ideas on seed starting in our greenhouse, where all the flowers grown here start out. The workshop will be a hands on, conversational workshop.
Weather permitting, we can do a tour of our flower beds. We’ll also have light refreshments and drinks.
This is an adult only workshop, no kids.