Kaleigh Hamilton Kaleigh Hamilton

Fresh from the Farm

It’s not spring yet, but it’s 80 degrees!!!  February marked a productive time working compost, skull mounts and wool, and the transfer of 4000 seedlings from grow lights to the greenhouse that suffered an indoor temperature of both 32 degrees and 105 degrees in a 48 hour period!  

February enjoyed our first workshop of the year on the 26th where we demonstrated our love for starting plants from seed using multiple techniques; it was a wonderful time to learn and share ideas.  

Now, the farm is abuzz with anticipation for all things expected for the month of March.  The Tulips are coming up and hope to be in the Roadside Flower Shoppe by the third week of this month.  

Before month’s end, the sheep will be sheared, wool processed and ewes readied for lambing in April.  The Medicinal Herbs workshop is scheduled for 3/23/25 and is to be hosted in the newly opened Ole Farmstead Flower Shoppe!  The workshop is filling up fast, so check the instagram link or the website theolefarmstead.com which is now live if you want to sign up before registration closes.  

Finally, the Members’ Bouquet Cutting Garden is getting a new fence and beds prepped for seeding.  The Member’s Garden will likely not be ready for cutting until June, but look for more information and announcements about Membership in April and May.  

To Real Things!!

The Ole Farmstead

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Kaleigh Hamilton Kaleigh Hamilton

Farm Update

The grass and sky are still gray, the air still cold and dry. But the soil blocks are watered and under light and the Lizzies and Ranuculas have sprouted!

The grass and sky are still gray, the air still cold and dry. But the soil blocks are watered and under light and the Lizzies and Ranuculas have sprouted! Here at the Ole Farmstead the growing season has begun and the expectations for the 2025 season are abuzz with ideas for improving the gardens and the roadside shoppe along with new ideas for “The Big Shoppe” complete with flowers, coffee, books, grains, baked goods local art and more!

Our desire to return to real things and our desire to “source local” seems to be getting easier with the growing abundance of ideas, artists, gardens, coffee roasters, and culinary mushroom growers that we are finding so close to home! We at the Ole Farmstead intend to add to this growing abundance and momentum to make “returning to real things” easier and lasting and rewarding.

Be looking for monthly updates on the gardens, the roadside flower stand, the new “Ole Farmstead Shoppe”, You-Pick garden events and educational workshops. More than ever a decision point is being pressed upon us… will we cave to the allure of ease and convenience and wrap ourselves in digital automation, or will we choose the extra effort it takes to taste, touch, share and enjoy all the things that makes life more real- local things by local people.

We are excited that the 2025 growing season is already upon us. Look for monthly updates in this newsletter, and also expect more information on Instagram as the Ole Farmstead comes back to bloom. Also, the updated website will expand with information about events and workshops.

To Real Things!!

The Ole Farmstead

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Kaleigh Hamilton Kaleigh Hamilton

Welcome 2025

Welcome to the 2025 season on The Ole Farmstead

The 2025 season is upon us and we are excited for a new year at The Ole Farmstead.

We have new friends on the farm, including three Highland cows, Pecan, Shania, and Fiona. They are equally feisty and darling.

We are also gearing up for our new and improved Flower Shoppe, which will be launching officially in May. We’ll have our staple products like flower bouquets and farm fresh eggs, along with some new items such as wool, homemade soaps. baked goods, honey, and locally crafted pottery. Check out our Instagram and our website for updates on the Shoppe!

We are also so excited to announce our first Workshop of the year, a Seed Starting workshop. Come and spend a couple of hours here on The Ole Farmstead to learn and share ideas on seed starting in our greenhouse,  where all the flowers grown here start out.  The workshop will be a hands on, conversational workshop.  You will make your own soil blocks as well as see all the different methods of seed starting.  Weather permitting we can do a tour of our flower bed set up.  We will have light refreshments and drinks.  This is a adult event so no kids. 

Space is limited so reserve your spot by registering HERE!

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