Welcome 2025

The 2025 season is upon us and we are excited for a new year at The Ole Farmstead.

We have new friends on the farm, including three Highland cows, Pecan, Shania, and Fiona. They are equally feisty and darling.

We are also gearing up for our new and improved Flower Shoppe, which will be launching officially in May. We’ll have our staple products like flower bouquets and farm fresh eggs, along with some new items such as wool, homemade soaps. baked goods, honey, and locally crafted pottery. Check out our Instagram and our website for updates on the Shoppe!

We are also so excited to announce our first Workshop of the year, a Seed Starting workshop. Come and spend a couple of hours here on The Ole Farmstead to learn and share ideas on seed starting in our greenhouse,  where all the flowers grown here start out.  The workshop will be a hands on, conversational workshop.  You will make your own soil blocks as well as see all the different methods of seed starting.  Weather permitting we can do a tour of our flower bed set up.  We will have light refreshments and drinks.  This is a adult event so no kids. 

Space is limited so reserve your spot by registering HERE!


Farm Update